Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Stars at Night.....

That song (Deep in the Heart of Texas) has been in my head for weeks now! We're here, and I can't believe it's almost time to head back to Arkansas. It's been a great break for us and a great time with family. We had the joy of bringing a couple of our friends with us, too! Of course we had to teach them the words to Deep in the Heart of Texas because they kept messing it up! We kept telling them that TX wasn't really like in the movies, but we haven't exactly done a great job of dispelling that myth! Jamie wanted to milk a cow and ride a horse and generally have a "farm experience!" Easy to do at my folks' house. Horse ride-good, working cows- traumatic experience! She didn't know all the nastiness that comes with working cows! Then at church on Sun, it was the annual picnic day, and instead of the usual praise music, they had bluegrass! So Texan! It's not hard to find cowboy hats and boots in Fairfield!

Fairfield was a blast. Got to eat some yummy food, headed to Aggieland to see how much it's changed in the last couple of years and see Rebecca, and just got to hang with the fam. Worked a little at the strawberry patch, but probably ate more than we sold! Love those berries! Wish some could have made it home with me.

Now we're at Chris's parents house. We've relaxed a lot here and rode backroads on the 4 wheelers. Let me just say how adorable Joshua is riding! He rides up front with his daddy, hands on the handlebars, thinking he's driving! Too cute! Today is our last day here. Tomorrow it's off to camp back in the hills of AR. Chris's family is coming with us. Supposed to be beautiful camping weather! Can't wait! Thankfully, a few more days before back to the real world.....

Friday, May 08, 2009

Crazy Night....

So I was smoking crack the other day when I signed up for work...I need to work a little at the hospital since school's out, but the kids were having a Mother's Day Brunch yesterday at school, and I totally wanted to go. So, I did that at 9 and signed up to work 3p-11p. What was I thinking!? It really wasn't that bad except that I miss being home for evening/bedtime routines and hanging out with my boys. It was a nice easy shift until about 10:45. I had this patient that was going in and out of v tach (Clear! shock....bad rhythm!). He'd been doing this all shift and the doc knew but hadn't given me orders. The bad beats came more often and longer duration and eventually he was in full blown sustained ventricular tachycardia. This is typically where the patient falls out and we run a code, start CPR, the whole bit. However, this guy had an internal defibrillator, so it was doing the shocking for us. I am used to this happening in the controlled environment of the ICU with UNCONSCIOUS people, not totally awake and alert people!! This poor fellow was totally with it the whole time! His defibrillator was shocking him and it knocked him up in the air, scared us to death, etc! We called a code, so weird since he was awake, and gave him some meds that fixed his heart rhythm. YAY! I felt so bad for the guy. He was scared to death and just wanted his wife (who had just left 5 min before!). Thankfully, he's OK now. He told me after it was all over that he wanted us to just knock him out if it happens again and wake him up afterwards! I don't blame him! Needless to say, I got out of work late and totally wired. Late night last night.....but it's Friday now!

I have 2 weeks off! We're headed down to Texas next week to see family and friends. I'm making a trip to the holy land (AGGIELAND!) on Tues. We need to brainwash these kids a little! It'll be great to relax and catch up with everyone. Now to get the clothes washed and packed and get out of Arkansas!!!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Real Nurse....

It's been a busy week, and it's only Wednesday! Yay for grades are posted for the semester! Graduation is Sat., but I figure I'll have to go once I go full time, so I think I'll skip this one! Since I have a break from teaching for a while, I've gone back to the hospital. I've been a real nurse the past couple of days! It's so funny when I'm at the hospital as a staff nurse, and I see my students. "Hey Mrs. George!!" I hate being Mrs. George!! I don't feel old enough to be Mrs. George! Several of my students are techs at the hospital, and it's hard for them to make the transition from teacher Julie to nurse Julie. I had to tell one of them today that it's OK to call me Julie! So weird.....

Chris and I had a great date Mon. night. We were supposed to double with some friends, but they had a previous engagement. So it was off to the 5 (the best restaurant in town!) for some yummy food. Then we saw 17 great! It was great to hang out with my sweet husband sans kids. Not that I don't love the little fellas, but sometimes it's nice having dinner without being interrupted by Caleb's crazy questions or Joshua wanting "more!"

It's almost time to go to Texas! We're coming down for a couple of weeks to visit fam. I'm so excited! We need a break. It's been a stressful few months getting this building finished, so it'll be nice to relax and unwind! Can't wait!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Fun Friday

I didn't have clinic today!!! That's one good thing about the end of the semester. It's been a fairly uneventful day, but good nonetheless. Of course, the one day I get to sleep in my lovely baby Joshua wakes me up around 7:15! I try to tell him that Mommy doesn't get up until 8, but he doesn't seem to get it! Caleb's not a problem....this is one area that Joshua could start copying his brother!

I had a mini reunion lunch today with my first students, who happened to be the first accelerated program students. One of my teaching buddies is doing a paper about some of their clinical experience, so she organized a lunch to catch up and also get some research too! It was good to see them again. Most of them are in the Memphis area; not far, but I still haven't seen many of them since last year. Fun to see the different things they're doing!

Met Chris and the kiddos in town after our lunch. They were eating at CiCi's. My kids can put away the pizza! Then we decided to walk down to KMart....great place to get kid clothes right now! We found all kinds of stuff for the kids, and it was all on sale! Yay! After picking up Joshua in his 12 month clothes yesterday (the ones I sent last fall in case of accidents), I realized that neither child is really prepared for spring! Not anymore! They're going to be adorable!

Tonight is girls' night! Yipee! We're playing bunco for awhile, and then we're going to catch the late show of "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past." One of the women I play with is a HUGE Matthew McConahey (how do you spell that!?) fan. Should be a fun, but LATE, night! Have a great weekend!