Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sweetness from Joshua

I had to get this down before I forget! Last night, Joshua's twang was in full force. He's been exaggerating his words lately, and one syllable words are now becoming two syllable words, like help, ow!, and others. So, we were in the car last night, and we saw the moon. It was a beautiful, big full moon if you missed it! I pointed it out to Joshua and he said, "Waaa-ow! Look at dat moon. It looks like a cookie!" How cute!!! Then that stinking moon kept hiding behind the million foot high pine trees, so it was a treat whenever it would peek out, and I would get another "waaa-ow!" Love the things my kiddos say!

1 comment:

Leanna said...

Cute! Tristan does the same thing with his words. The one that cracks me up right now is "Ye-us" for yes. I often ask myslef "Where is this child learning to talk?!" and then I remember... we live in southeast tx.