Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I love my brother!

So we're playing outside this evening in this BEAUTIFUL fall weather. Joshua is playing with his Cars ball, and Caleb decides he needs to play with it, too. He proceeds to go over there like he's going to just take it when I, being the good mom I am, tell him not to! He responds, "But Mom, I love my brother, and it's nice to share!" Great deductive capacity, this one! He kept just giving mean looks to oblivious little Joshua yelling "I love my brother" at the top of his lungs. We're still working on this sharing thing!

We also took a nice walk tonight. Joshua loaded up in the wagon, but Caleb wanted to walk. He decided we needed to race or play tag during most of this walk around the neighborhood. I really noticed those hills today, but it was fun! I'm just glad Caleb's liking running around. He likes to play, but I worry about him being too "bookish" sometimes! He's really getting into playing ball and tag. Now I just have to get in tip-top shape to keep up with him!

I'm deciding I like being on the other side of the teacher/student relationship. I gave a quiz (announced and reviewed for last week, mind you!) today in my class. It just cracks me up to see the looks of pure terror and all the studying of those ever important notecards in the minutes before class. It was a simple quiz too! The grading papers part is the only downside, but I finally finished grading health histories and posted grades! Yea!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm back!!!!

OK...so it's been a year and half since I updated this thing! Well, a lot has happened, so here it is in a nutshell. Last Feb. in my last post, I quit my job. Then Chris finished his master's at seminary, I had Joshua July 2, we moved to Jonesboro, Arkansas in Oct., I finished my master's in May, and now I'm teaching nursing at Arkansas State University. (How much teasing do you think I endured when they beat the Ags a few weeks ago!?) It's been a bit busy! Chris is preaching at Herman Baptist Church. We're building a new church building, and we hope to be in it by Christmas. The church is going great. I think God is really at work there, and we are loving being a part of it. I'm loving living in AR. It's really beautiful up here and already cooling off. The leaves should start changing in a couple of weeks. Fall is my favorite time here. The people in our church are fabulous. They've become our new family. I didn't know what to think of being the preacher's wife, but it's going pretty well!

The kids are getting too big too fast! Caleb will be 4 Oct. 29. How cute is he in this pic! He was the ring bearer in our friends' wedding a couple of months ago. He is in "school" now 2 days a week. He goes to the Mother's Day Out program at one of the churches in town. He loves it. He thinks he's really going to school. His friends at church are all a little older than he is, and they started preK this year. He thinks he's going to school just like them! He is totally into animals and knows more about them than I do! He's already ordered an elephant cake for his birthday party! Now I have to figure out how to make one!

Joshua turned 1 in July. He's just precious!

This was taken at the beach this summer. He's turning into the little brother pest. He's just plain mean sometimes!

I have a long road of discipline ahead of me! He gets to go to school too, so he's getting to make new friends. At church, he's the oldest of 6 babies born within a year. He likes the little girl closest to his age, Vada. She was born in August of last year. She's a cutie!

As for me, I'm enjoying teaching. I'm just part-time right now, and I'm loving it. I'm procrastinating from grading papers right now, but it can wait a bit! Chris and I really like living here. There's a lot to do outdoors up here. The weather gets pretty hot in the summer, but not like Texas! We love to go exploring and camping. I think we're going to try out a new campground this weekend! Chris is doing a fabulous job with the church. I know he's too hard on himself, but I know God is doing great things through him! The people really seem to respond well to him. We're seeing a lot of families getting involved, and that's our passion: to see men lead their families and see them all grow in their relationship with the Lord. It's great to be a part of it! Here are a couple of pics from our latest adventure. Mom and Dad were up this past weekend, and we went to a pumpkin patch north of here. It was lots of fun! They had pony rides and petting zoos, hayrides and corn mazes. They even had a friendly fairy tale forest for the kids instead of the haunted version. We had a great time, and the kids loved it!

OK ya'll...I promise I'm going to try to do better now! I'll try to keep you more updated!