Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Weird Child....

What is wrong with my kiddo? He is so strange sometimes! Last night as we were laying down for bed, Caleb looks at me and asks if I'm taking him to school, and I was since I don't have any more early clinics this semester. He gets all serious and says, "I think I'm gonna cry when you leave me tomorrow." What!? This kid LOVES school. Why has he started this crying thing now? He told me he'd be better if I gave him a hug and kiss, took Joshua to his class, and gave him another hug and kiss on the way out (I have to pass back by his class on the way out). OK. "Don't forget, Mom. Did you hear what I said?" "Sure, Caleb. I'll remember." So I did his thing this morning, and he still cried when I left. What is this about!? It's like he's decided to do this for no good reason. He always wants to go to school, even on off days. Like I said, weird child.

Joshua, who used to be the problem child, runs all the way down the hall and opens the door to his classroom, oblivious to me! This afternoon he didn't even want to leave. I think it was because he hadn't had his after nap snack yet. Leave it to my child to want his food before we leave! Once Ms. Stacy gave him a handful of goldfish, he was good to go!

My other boy (Christopher!) got a new toy today...we are now proud owners of a 4 wheeler! He's been wanting one for as long as I've known him (really longer than that!), and he and our friend Justin went to Memphis to pick it up today. It's nice. Chris laughs at me because my first question was, "What color is it?" It's green, by the way; I wanted blue! We're going to break it in good in a couple of weeks when we take it camping with us. Loads of fun ahead for us!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Yes, it's been a while....

I was reading another blog just now, & I agree with Melissa- I've been stinking busy and can't remember why! For the first half of last week, Chris was in Branson for a meeting, and I had to stay behind to work. The one week that I couldn't reschedule stuff had to be last week! I really wanted to go to Branson. So, the kids and I had a big time, didn't do much, but had fun playing!

We hosted a youth rally on Friday night. It went fabulously! I have dusted off the old keyboard and started playing again, and a group of us led worship. So great to be a part of people singing praises to our great God! I was totally nervous because I had to play one song without other instruments (I like not being the leader here!), but it went well. Some of our jr. high students did a skit, and Chris spoke for a few minutes. It was great!

Saturday we went to a petting zoo at the university. The kids had a ball, of course! Caleb didn't really want to pet them at first (strange mood, I guess!), but he was not to be outdone by little brother! The funniest part was when the turkey gobbled at him and scared him! Then it was just funny. Caleb would walk towards his cage, and the turkey would let loose. Too funny! We went with our friends Justin and Jamie. They don't have kids yet, and Jamie was just as excited as the kids...or more! She's a hoot!

Yesterday was our last service in the old building! We make the complete move sometime this week. Pray for a smooth transition! I'm so excited to get this building program behind us!

Today I took the kids for shots. Yes, both of them were due. Caleb had to get his 4 year-old series for pre-K, and I'm just a couple of months late for Joshua's 18 month stuff. We went to the health dept. Where I come from, just a quick stop, but here....3 stinking hours! ugh!!! The kids did well waiting; Joshua even fell asleep. Then for the shooting time...they actually did OK! Caleb was good for 2 and only let loose for the last one. Joshua's just a tough little guy and got better as soon as he saw that lollipop!

So, I guess I do remember a little of my random, crazy week! Now I just have 3 more days of school! I'll be done Thurs. afternoon! Whoo hoo!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Adios, Guys!

I can't believe the week's almost over! Time seems to be flying faster all the time! Chris took Caleb camping for the weekend. They left early this morning and met his brother and his fam in S. Arkansas somewhere. From what I hear so far, they're having a blast already! The weather's gorgeous, and Caleb got to "drive" the 4 wheeler earlier. Chris says he's been grinning from ear to ear the whole time. I think he's excited about having some time with Daddy. He doesn't have to share him for 3 whole days!

So, it's just Joshua and me for the weekend. I shortened my afternoon class today so I could pick him up from school, and my fabulous friend Jamie took him for me and is watching him tomorrow while I work. She's been telling me she needs some "Aunty Jamie" time, and now she's got it! I don't know what we'll do, but I think it'll be nice to hang out with Joshua for a few days.

Hope you are all enjoying some beautiful spring weather....it's finally getting nice up here! Have a great weekend!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I actually already downloaded my pics! I'm never this on top of things!

Hope ya'll had a fabulous Easter weekend. We had our very first service in our new building this morning. It was great! I know we had some people just curious about the new building and others visiting family, but we had a huge crowd! The great thing is, though, that God had each one of them there for a purpose! Here's a pic of the sanctuary.

Easter up here is a bit different for us than it is back home. We don't have all our family up here, so it's kind of weird not going to someone's house and eating and hunting eggs with all the cousins. But, we've had a great weekend. Our church hosted an Easter egg hunt yesterday, and the kids had a ball there. Lots of kids, tons of eggs! Today, Chris wanted "home food" for lunch, so I made him a chicken pie (he called me Grandma!) and the fixins. Several people invited us to join them this year (our friends are so sweet!), but we kind of just wanted to hang out as a fam today. It's storming this afternoon, so there is no more hunting happening up here! It's been great and relaxing, and bonus....I got in a fabulous nap! It's been a great day to celebrate Christ!

What a happy camper!

Our sweet family!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Get down.....

You know kids say the craziest things.....and who knows where they get it from!

Caleb did this Tues on his way to school. Let me preface this story. We live 2 seconds (about 1/2 mile) from the church, and we're always running up there for something. We are bad parents and don't always buckle the kids! I think he heard this from others too, but here's the story.....

Chris put the kids in the truck (buckled up!), and Caleb starts singing a song. Totally typical behavior.. always making up songs. His song for the day was, "Get down, Get down, Get down before the policeman sees you! Get down, Get down, Get down before the policeman sees you!" Where does he come up with this stuff!? Chris called me at work, and my students and I got a great laugh out of this one!

In other news, we're going to have our first worship service in the new sanctuary this Sunday! I'm so ready for this project to end! We've been in a building program for most of our time here in Jonesboro. I hope stress will decrease over the next few weeks! Pray for us to use this tool as a way to reach the community for Jesus!

Happy Easter!