Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dancing King!

Caleb has such a straightforward little mind. I was flipping through the channels and stopped on The Notebook. It was the part where Noah and Allie were just getting together, and they danced in the street. Caleb asked why they were dancing in the street. I told him they just wanted to. He gets that thoughtful look on his face and says, "But Mommy, you're only supposed to dance at the ball!" What was I thinking? Of course that's where you dance! He had watched Enchanted with me a few days ago and I'm guessing that's where he figured out that you dance at balls. At that time, he thought it was silly that you danced at balls and you threw balls. That mind is always going!!!

1 comment:

jenn said...

I can see the confusion . . . using the same word for two COMPLETELY different things! Very cute!! :)