Wednesday, December 06, 2006


So, I know it's been forever! Things have been a madhouse around here! Thankfully, school is winding down for both Chris and me, so I've actually got a little time on my hands now! I had a group project to finish and a big paper due last weekend, so I was a "little" stressed about that, but YEAH! it's over! I don't have any finals, just viewing presentations online for the next week, and I'm done with my first big semester! Chris will finish tomorrow, and he'll have one more to go!

Well, for a recap of the last couple of weeks......We got to visit with both of our families on Thanksgiving. We spent Thanksgiving with Chris's family and Friday with mine. Of course, it was incredible watching my Ags kick some Longhorn hiney! Caleb was actually very good through all the madness of the holiday. He had a big time playing with Emily at my mom's. They're really starting to play well together. Out at Chris's mom's, it's another story. Caleb and Nathan have not been getting along lately. He's gotten in trouble a few times for pushing Nathan around. The other night we were all over there, and the kids were already in the back room. Caleb went back there but wouldn't go in because Nathan was in there. He kept saying "Nathan, get out!" Hopefully, this will pass soon!

We're having fun with the Christmas tree; Caleb loves the lights. He keeps wanting to touch the ornaments, but he knows there's only 1 he can touch. We need to take him to look at lights around town. He's just amazed by them. I usually have some really funny stories, but I can't seem to think of any right now! He is the most disgusting kid on the planet, though. Lately, he's taken an interest in his poo. He knows when he goes, and he'll come tell me and have it all over his hands! YUCK!!! He's really gross. Keeping pants on him doesn't even work! He'll pull his pants down to get to it! We're going to have to break him of this quick! Other than that, not much is going on right now. We're about to get in the swing of holiday stuff, starting this weekend. Chris's cousin is having a party in Austin, so we're heading down there this weekend. It's going to be a busy time!

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